Topic :
Type of documentary:
Style of documentary:
Formal and Information
Channel and Scheduling :
Channel 4
21.00 (Inhereit audience form undercover boss USA)
Target audience :
Adults aged over 36 due to the majority of the participants from our questionnaire being aged 36-40 and 41+ furthermore it will not be bias towards either males or females.
Primary research needed:
Interviews: Teachers ( mise-en-scene of offices and suject specific books)
Father of a 4 year old ( Mise-en-scene of a children bedroom - toys and games ect)
A grandparnent ( Mise-en-scene of their living room, including ornaments and photos)
A teenager ( Mise-en-scene of a teenagers bedroom)
Vox pops- out side shops in Liscard
Cutaways - Bills, money, shops, banks, toys ect.
Secondary research needed:
Paris Hilton footage
Lottery winner footage ( news footage)
Narrative Structure:
Circular narrtive, open structure
Outline of content:
Titles -relate to topic.
Cutaways of money and bills ect
Archive footage of Paris Hilton and Lottery Winner
Voiceover telling the narrative which links together topics and interviews
Vox pops in Liscard.
Research Requirments :
Digital cameras
Computer with adobe premier and audition
Internet access
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