Monday, 16 August 2010



My task was to create a documentary about mobile phones. We were given a list of 14 questions to include. Before filming we created a storyboard that we could follow during filming. We filmed in a classroom and we used a camcorder to record. We also recorded a few cutaway shots using a video camera and took images for cutaway shots using a camera. I then went onto the internet to try and find more pictures that could be used as cutaway shots. We then edited the footage to put together our video documentary on mobile phones. We edited in transitions shots, and music that goes with the theme of this documentary. We also used effects to get the music to fade in and fade out.

During the creation of our documentary I felt that we worked well together as a group. Because we all make a contribution we were able to answer all the questions .We also followed these codes and conventions: the interviewee was looking at the person interviewing her and not at the camera, and we edited out the questions so it flowed from answer to answer. We made sure that the lighting was strong enough and came from the front so it didn’t affect the visibility. We also used different kinds of cutaway shots.

There were several ways that we could have improved our documentary and certain codes and conventions that we did not follow. We did not use proper framing or mise-en-scene. We used the same transition throughout the documentary therefore proving no variety. Finally we did not use text to introduce our interviewee.

When I next make a documentary I will try and follow all the codes and conventions for example, I would improve the framing and stick to the rule of thirds. I would try to use more variety in transitions as using the same one becomes monotonous to the viewer. Finally I would also include bright and appropriate mise-en-scene to make my documentary more appealing to the viewer and make it more interesting and reiterate the message I am trying to send.

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