Sunday, 19 September 2010

Documentary anaylsis five

Documentary Analysis
My boyfriend the MI5 hoaxer

Type of documentary :
Mixed documentary.

Money,stalking,holidays, worry, lies and fantasy worlds.

Narrative Structure:
Single strand narrative
Closed narrative

Camera work:
Begins with an establishing shots to set the scene - establishing shots continue as they follow Leanne to work.
Zooming in of the whisky shop sign - reiterates what she is saying.
Interviewee on one side, introduction text on opposite side, interviewee not looking at the camera but at the interviewer- following the codes and conventions of interviews.
Close up of nails being painted in a salon ' this is the lifestyle you could have'
Two shot of the girls in the beauty salon to follow both sides of the conversation.
Close up of the shop Leanne works in.
Tracking of the police car
Panning across the top floor of the police building.
Camera work made to look like its from Wayne's point of view as it following Leanne ( stalking her)
Establishing shot of the town they live in.
Camera tracking alongside the street whilst driving when its dark at night time- following another car ( all builds up tension)
Camera tracking Leanne as she walks in to the airport.
Close up of Leanne's face - reaction shot.
Over the shoulder shot as Leanne is talking in to the mirror telling us her story.
Throughout the documentary the feeling of stalking and the feeling that something is not right is portrayed throughout through the use of camera work.

Interviewee with Leanne in her bedroom
Cafe restaurant - having a meal.
Leanne then in 'Waynes bedroom' change of mise-en-scene due to change in the topic of conversation and change of feeling being portrayed.
Parents living room during interview - dark lighting to reiterate dark feeling.
Police car park during interview during interview with police man.

Music starts of in a cheery and happy tone to reiterate Leanne's mood.
Music starts to get less happy throughout to show things are getting worse for Leanne.
Narrative voice is male and he speaks in standard English.
Music turns from negative music to action sounding music to build up tension.
Narrative voice reint
roduces documentary after adverts.
Leanne's quotes are mixed up with music to show her confused state of mind 'you've got mental issues, your mental' 'you stupid bitch'.

Editing :
Montage of archive
images of Wayne.
Close up of paperwork
Faded out shot of traffic lights - confused state of mind.
Close ups of certain objects - no smoking sign,remote control and the chain on the door.
Slow motion of the wine being pouring in to a glass and of the tap dripping.
Light on her face is dark during the rest of her story.
Close up of newspaper article, the camera tracks along it so the audience can read it.
At the end it shows Leanne boxing in slow motion to show she has regained her self power and happiness.

Archive Material:
Pictures of Wayne in black and white.
Camera footage from CCTV showing brake in's that have happened in the shop.
Photos of Leanne at Christmas showing how happy she was.
Pictures from all of their holidays.
Newspaper articles
Sound footage of Wayne from the police tapes of his side of the story.

The title 'My boyfriend the MI5 hoaxer' is written in a white font.
'My boyfriend' is written in handwriting and 'THE MI5 HOAXER' is written in bold block capitals.
The writing intruding interviewees is written in the same white font in the same way :
Rolling credits is also written in the same way.

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